Thursday, July 23, 2009

CEiMB: Oven Baked Onion Rings

Wow, I can't believe it's already Thursday again. This week's Craving Ellie in My Belly recipe is hosted by Meet Me In The Kitchen. I actually made these onion rings around the 4th of July for a BBQ we had at our house. They were fairly easy to make, but extremely gross to handle. I usually don't mind batter sticking on my fingers, but this one caked up and was gross. It felt like more of the crumb mixture got on me instead of coating the onion ring, but oh well. Overall I liked them. Not sure if Iwould make them again. If I did I would find a way to use tongs or something else so the mixture doesn't get too wet from handling it. I would also make them thinner maybe (?) because they weren't as crunchy as I would have liked. It's a good healthy sub if you want Onion Rings w/o all the fat, but for me... I would just eat real thing if I truly wanted them next time. I also ran into the same issue of cooking an Ellie recipe while entertaining and then informing my guests I needed photograph the food - felt like a dork.. hence, the lack of photos. Actually they were cool about it, but I didn't want to spend so much time photographing my food that it would be cold by the time I ate it (maybe that's why it was a little soft ??). The recipe is also real simple and easy. It calls for onions, baked potato chips, buttermilk, flour, s&p, and some cayenne. I believe that's everything. Check out the recipe here and what other CEiMB bloggers thought about the recipe here.

Thanks again Meet Me In The Kitchen!


  1. HAHA - you know I was hating these as the crumbs were caking to my hands. I so agree that it was more on my hands than on the onion rings! I started out using tongs, but it was hard to hold them and get them coated evenly. Your picture looks great! I've had to take pictures with guests over as well, and I always feel silly doing it, but they understand.

  2. Kinda difficult sell to non-bloggers about the whole: "I must photograph these things" huh?

  3. they look great, perfect for a bbq. they are really messy though. I try to keep one dry and hand and one wet hand when I make these to keep the mess down.

  4. I cut mine too thin, they were toooo crunchy! But tasted delish~!

  5. I try to get any and all pictures of my food before any outside people show up. My family is used to me breaking out the camera before we eat. I liked this one a bunch and since I don't usually eat the fried onion rings, I will definitely make 'em again. They are messy though, aren't' they?
